A laptop displaying MarketLaunch

Build a Swell Marketplace with MarketLaunch

Now Open-Source

Get MarketLaunch on GitHub

Precision Engineered Marketplace Foundations

MarketLaunch offers developers the vital foundations for the seamless development of marketplace apps. MarketLaunch is built harnessing Swell's eCommerce prowess and cutting edge development technologies such as React Native for Web, and Next.js. With pre-built components and code you can streamline the process, letting developers focus on bespoke features.

MarketLaunch empowers businesses to craft dynamic marketplaces faster and more efficiently.

Making Swell Marketplace Development up to 60% Quicker

MarketLaunch revolutionises marketplace development, speeding up projects by up to 60%. Its comprehensive pre-built vendor interfaces, including vital features like order and product management, provide developers with a robust foundation. This eliminates the need to start from scratch, saving precious time and resources.

Moreover, MarketLaunch streamlines complex payment infrastructure by automating fee collection and vendor payments via Stripe Connect. This all-in-one solution enables developers to concentrate on advanced customisations, expediting the marketplace development process. With MarketLaunch, businesses swiftly realise marketplace concepts, benefiting from substantial time and cost savings.

MarketLaunches payout tracking view for vendors
MarketLaunch's order management view

Build Your Next Swell Marketplace with Marketlaunch

MarketLaunch offers the best of both worlds – a pre-built solution with unmatched flexibility. Businesses benefit from ready-to-use components, reducing costs and speeding up development. Moreover, with access to the code base, developers can customize and tailor the marketplace to their specific needs, ensuring maximum adaptability. Trust in MarketLaunch for an efficient, flexible, and expertly crafted marketplace solution.

Get MarketLaunch on GitHub

What's Included

  • Complete web application source code, written in Next.js, React Native and Tamagui
  • Full setup and deployment instructions
  • Vendor dashboards already built Including order and product management
  • Payment infrastructure is all set and ready to go, you just need a Stripe account
  • Prebuilt buyer dashboard for order management
  • Fully customisable to meet your stores needs

Want to customise your MarketLaunch setup?

If you're looking for support with your MarketLaunch set up then we recommend Morrow, they're a specialist marketplace development agency and a certified MarketLaunch partner.

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